Keysight has released the industry’s first oscilloscope-based automotive protocol trigger/decode solution (D9010AUTP) covering CAN XL that enables engineers to verify and debug low-speed automotive serial bus protocols and simplify the development and troubleshooting of systems including CAN/CAN FD and CAN XL.

CAN XL is the third-generation CAN standard in development by the CAN in Automation (CiA) group that improves the well-established CAN FD protocol with increased payload data and faster bit rate. The CAN XL data phase speed is specified to reach 10 Mbps or more, depending on the transceiver capabilities and physical layer components. CAN XL has two modes of operation – fast mode and SIC mode (or slow mode).
Keysight’s automotive decoder software triggers and decodes the SIC mode signal in the arbitration phase, as well as the fast mode signal in the data phase, correctly. It also handles the CAN XL protocols implemented with the CAN HS/FD/SIC transceivers.
Keysight’s D9010AUTP software is compatible with Keysight’s Infiniium oscilloscopes using software version 11.30 or higher for MXR/EXR/UXR models and version 6.72 or higher for other Infiniium scope models enabling users to:
- Set up the oscilloscope to show CAN, LIN, CAN-FD, CAN XL, FlexRay and SENT protocol decode in less than 30 seconds
- Gain access to a rich set of integrated protocol-level triggers
- Save time and eliminate errors by viewing packets at the protocol level
- Use time-correlated views to quickly troubleshoot serial protocol problems back to their timing or signal integrity root cause