Ficosa continues to make progress in building the mobility of the future. The company has announced its entry into the in-cabin monitoring (ICM) segment through various disruptive projects it is developing for premium car manufacturers (OEMs).
In-cabin monitoring is a set of technologies that monitor and analyse activities inside the vehicle to improve safety and comfort for drivers and passengers. Ficosa offers advanced driver monitoring (DMS) and passenger monitoring (OMS) solutions based on an innovative integrated system of in-vehicle sensors, including cameras and radars, using cutting-edge technologies and a wide range of algorithms to process sensor data.
These systems enable a wide range of applications, such as monitoring the driver’s physiological state, detecting distraction or drowsiness, alerting to possible intrusion into the vehicle, and detecting unbuckled passengers, including those in the rear seats. One of the most important applications is the system that can detect when a child is alone and unattended in the vehicle, in order to activate alarms to ensure their well-being. New functions are also being developed, such as modulating the force of airbag deployment according to the height and weight of the occupant, and in-vehicle entertainment and communication applications.