Cd value of 0.22
184 components with a total weight of more than 78.3 kg can be made partly from resource-saving materials (recycled plastics and renewable raw materials).
The cell chemistry of the battery generation has also been optimized for sustainability: the active material consists of nickel, cobalt and manganese in a ratio of 8:1:1. The cobalt content is thus reduced to ten percent. Responsibly mined and processed raw materials provide the foundation for a sustainable Mercedes-Benz electric vehicle fleet.
The global Mercedes-Benz supply chain is becoming CO2 neutral
Since 2022, all company-owned Mercedes-Benz passenger car and van plants worldwide have been producing on a CO2-neutral basis.
Since 2021, Mercedes-Benz has ensured a subsequent offset with green electricity when customers use Mercedes me Charge to charge their vehicles in Europe. Certificates of origin ensure that corresponding amounts of green electricity are fed into the grid for charged energy quantities after the actual charging process.