Marelli, together with Dorna and all the stakeholders, is committed to contribute in creating a more sustainable sport and future reducing the carbon footprint of every single event.

With a long story of providing cutting-edge technologies and solutions to MotoGP, Marelli Motorsport is proud to introduce the new Electronic Control Unit BAZ-340 ECU.
Such unit comes as a complete redesign to prevent the natural obsolescence of the electronics of its predecessor and to enable the evolution of its main features.
This device sets a new state-of-the-art among high performances ECUs, boosting up to four times (4x) computational power and up to ten times (10x) data management increase versus previous standard ECU, therefore making it the perfect solution to fully support the introduction of sustainable fuels along the road to carbon neutrality set by MotoGP.
BAZ-340 ECU has been designed to allow an extremely high level of control of the race by the MotoGP Race Direction, through its real-time data collection, computation, analysis and transmission capabilities.
Equipped with a powerful integrated data logger and a vast range of input/output lines and protocols, it opens the way for unrivaled results in data acquisition and analysis, efficiency and safety.
A concrete example of these improvements is the Danger Light introduction: when a rider is falling, a “crash” signal is immediately sent to Race Direction, which can react turning onboard lights on and taking any other action to ensure safety.
On the side of efficiency, the new ECU offers a customizable dual voltage supply, 12 and 24 V, delivering the exact right power to each single device. This means a reduction of energy dissipation and an increase of the global system efficiency far beyond the ECU itself.