IPG Automotive provided insights into the latest CarMaker release. In addition to more powerful parallelization and more realistic sensor models, the simulation solution offers additional functions for the photo-realistic visualization tool MovieNX from March 30. It also enables easy modeling complex traffic situations and offers optimized support for industry standards such as OpenSCENARIO and OpenDRIVE.
The simulation solution has been enhanced with functions in the areas of parallelization and visualization. CarMaker 11 now offers five highly detailed, photo-realistic MovieNX example scenarios as well. Furthermore, the visualization tool now supports color coloring, animated 3D objects such as pedestrians and new models for camera lenses. New driver markers and control algorithms enable the implementation of individual traffic and right-of-way rules for all autonomous traffic objects in the simulation and simplify the generation of complex scenarios. To further reduce the hardware load, the scenario can be designed in such a way that traffic is only animated in a radius around the ego vehicle. CarMaker 11 also provides the user with an open, programmable user interface for signal processing of the raw signal interface sensors, which are now also extended by detections based on texture.
A new test scenario in the Test Ware Package NCAP supports the development and validation of door control and warning systems. The new Instrument Designer allows to design instrument dashboards more comprehensively, for example to visualize measured values. In addition, the new SensInject platform offers the possibility to inject camera data with 4K and higher resolutions, as well as data from radar or lidar sources. With ESP Compact HIL, real and virtual vehicle ECUs can be connected to a complete simulation environment.