FovoRender produces ultra wide fields of view even up to 180 degrees, which is particularly useful for rendering the interior of a car.
There is 6 times the volume of space using FovoRender.
Standard renders produce surprisingly distorted looking objects even at relatively low fields of view.
Note the way the objects are a far more realistic shape in the FovoRender version.
Increasing the field of view of a standard render will make the central area smaller and lower detail.
This leads to lower quality images where features such as dashboard lights and controls are less obvious and seem far away.
FovoRender can be used to solve this problem – the dashboard and controls feels more realistically positioned and scaled and are higher detail.

An ultra wide field of view render using FovoRender means that more peripheral information can be included in an image.
From the viewpoint of the driver the render shows far more of the surrounding space such as the wing mirrors and window. This gives a much more realistic and immersive experience for the viewer.
Before / After slider shows a standard 90 degree fov render inset within a 150 degree render produced using FovoRender.