Safety is a decisive factor in the realization of autonomous driving. ASAM e.V. has addressed the question of which test procedures are needed to make highly and fully automated driving safe. Experts and stakeholders from 24 organizations, including manufacturers, suppliers, testing companies and research institutes, have jointly developed a blueprint that describes this challenge and identifies possible solutions.

The ASAM Test Specification study group, which includes representatives from all stakeholders such as manufacturers, suppliers, testing companies, and research institutes, has published a report providing an overview of different test methods for ADAS and AD and their interaction. One outcome of the project was a “test strategy blueprint” that can serve as a basis for future testing. As a holistic best practice approach, this blueprint can be tailored to the specific requirements of production and other projects, while meeting current regulatory, legal and technical requirements. To develop the blueprint, the group identified detailed use cases for the implementation of a test strategy and aligned them with current standards and standardization initiatives. In the end, the project group derived recommendations for all stakeholders as well as suggestions for further standardization activities.
ASAM Test Specification Study Group Report 2022