GAC Aion Hyper All-Solid-State Battery

Hyper all solid state battery
Hyper all-solid-state battery
third generation silicon anode material
Third-generation sponge silicon anode material
dry electrode
Dry electrode
large scale solid electrolyte membrane
Large-scale solid electrolyte membrane
solid state electrolyte
Solid-state electrolyte
all solid state battery
cross section of all solid state battery
Cross section of all-solid-state battery
high safety

In terms of safety, it can withstand puncturing and cutting without failure and endure temperatures up to 200 degrees Celsius.

high volumetric energy density
High volumetric energy density

This represents a volume energy density increase of more than 52% and a mass energy density increase of more than 50% compared to existing mass-produced liquid-state lithium-ion batteries.


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  1. these prototypes are not great, honestly:

    “Chinese automaker GAC Group said on April 12 that it had broken through several obstacles regarding the durability and safety of “all-solid-state” batteries, and expected its future rollout of the technology to offer drivers a range of over 620 miles per charge by 2026.”

    and then the real zinger:

    “The latest prototype of GAC’s solid-state battery has undergone more than 100 charging cycles, retaining over 60% of its initial energy capacity, according to figures released by the company on April 12. ”


    anyone can claim ‘range’ figures, by simply adding more cells. like tesla, you simply make a bigger battery pack…
    and then hope the cooling system with all the new pumps and control algorithms, give it a better ‘life’…

    so then, 100-charge cycles (i assume here, from 0 to 100% state of charge), brings the cells to 60% life…

    so these battery packs, at their current state of development, might last half a year…

    and GAC wants to see production of these, into market, by 2026 ?

    meanwhile, these new category of hydrogen pressure vessels have now entered more than 10ksi…

    so the scale of development of pressurized hydrogen, by my calculation, has surpassed the energy density of batteries…

    i hope for the best, but plan for the worst.

    these over the road logistics carriers, are moving tonnage and depleting their stored energy to zero (most efficient method).

    and now they can fill their high pressure hydrogen tanks in MINUTES and be back on the road to move more cargo…

    and presuming the life of the catalyst is calculable; they dont have thermal-run-away or the same safety issues of energy discharge…

    i LOVE that china is becoming an “electron society’

    but i will contest that batteries are not the answer.

    solar-stirling steam is the answer. coupled to localized CPCs and other stream driven technologies to generate steam-based generators, that induce electron flow, as well as subsequently create CLEAN WATER.

    why is it an issue to even talk about this to the world?

    ‘we’ as humans have known about this since the 1940s…

    i digress